A Conversation about Intercultural Understanding with a Digital Nomad: An Interview (English & Chinese)


The Trilingual Chatbox returns this week with a special guest who has been living nomadically over the past three years. Candice is an advocate of portfolio careers and a simple, wholesome lifestyle. Tune in today as she talks with Lori about her cultural shock experiences and gives advice on leading a life full of fun challenges.

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● Song: Alexey Anisimov – I Wanna Be With You. Music provided by Tunetank.

©️ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Photo by Roxanne Desgagnés on Unsplash

💠Useful Phrases

  1. She just lost it in the middle of the road.
  2. She fell in love with the feeling of not knowing.
  3. get the hang of something
  4. give right of way (to the other cars)
  5. end up doing something
  6. keep your voice down
  7. keep quiet
  8. to sugarcoat
    用辭比較委婉;說得比較婉轉  (*the usage is context-specific)
  9. There’s no harm to ask.  
  10. Rip-off; get ripped off
  11. bargain
  12. budget
    on a budget
  13. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
  14. to live nomadically
    Digital nomad
  15. I’m at home everywhere.

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Culture Talk & Language Skills | Cultural differences in Japan and Taiwan | How to apologize when you violate a taboo (Japanese & Chinese)


In today’s episode, Lori and Mai have a conversation about some surprises you might encounter when you travel in Japan and Taiwan. Also check this one out for useful patterns to use in Japanese and Taiwanese Mandarin when you unintentionally break a taboo.

*We would like to apologize to our listeners about the audio quality on this episode. Thank you for continuing to listen and all your support. We will make every effort to present better production.

| Portals
➡️ Go to today’s useful phrases
➡️ Take me to dialogue transcripts
| Listen to our other episodes on a similar topic
➡️ 日本語聴解練習:Japanese Listening Practice 15 メキシコ生活で驚いたことベスト5
➡️ 中文聽力練習:Mandarin Listening Practice 16  簡單聽中文系列:文化衝擊小趣事

🆔 About Us
📽️ YouTube:https://youtube.com/@trilingual-chatbox
📱 twitter:https://twitter.com/3lingualcb
📬 Email:3lingual.cb@gmail.com

● BGM: Cold Ears-Come Inside Mix by J. Lang (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/djlang59/59577 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg & Nickolas Nikolic, Mindmapthat

©️ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash

💠 Useful Phrases


  1. Sorry in Japanese:
    <Commonly used in daily conversation>
    ・すみません 。

    <Commonly used in business situations>


  2. Examples:
    (1). すみません (or ごめんなさい)。いけないことだとは知りませんでした。
    すみません (or ごめんなさい)。いけないことだとはしりませんでした。
    (2). 不快な思いをさせてしまって申し訳ありません。今後気を付けます。教えてくださりありがとうございます。

    (3). ごめん(ね)!やってはいけないことだと(は)知らなかった。教えてくれてありがとう。


  1. Pattern:
    Apologize + Explain yourself + A lesson learned
  2. Examples:
    (1) 對不起、對不起我沒有注意到謝謝你提醒我
    …….duì bù qǐ 、duì bù qǐ ,wǒ méi yǒu zhù yì dào 。xiè xiè nǐ tí xǐng wǒ
    …….Sorry, I didn’t notice that. Thanks for reminding me.
    (2) 真的很抱歉我不知道這樣做會冒犯到人我會多注意的
    ……..zhēn de hěn bào qiàn ,wǒ bù zhī dào zhè yàng zuò huì mào fàn dào rén
    …….wǒ huì duō zhù yì de
    …….I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t know this would come off as offensive here.
    …….I’ll pay attention next time.
    (3) 不好意思啦我不是故意的這樣我下次知道了
    ……..bù hǎo yì sī la,wǒ bú shì gù yì de 。zhè yàng wǒ xià cì zhī dào le
    …….I’m so sorry. It was an honest mistake. I won’t make the mistake again.

💠 Dialogue


(Mai and Lori are having dinner at a restaurant.)
A: I need to use the bathroom. Where should I leave these pairs of chopsticks? Ah okay, I’ll just stick them into my bowl of rice….
B: No, no, no. What are you doing? You’re not supposed to do that.
A: Why not?
B: It’s considered a taboo to do that in our culture.
A: ________
B: It’s okay. No worries.


(Mai and Lori are having dinner at a restaurant.)
A: I need to use the bathroom. Where should I leave these pairs of chopsticks? Ah okay, I’ll just stick them into my bowl of rice….
B: ダメ、ダメ、ダメ!何してるの!?ごはんに刺しちゃダメだよ!
A: どうしてダメなの?
B: 日本ではそれはやってはいけない事なんだよ。
A: ごめんね、やってはいけないことだって知らなかった。次から気を付けるね。
B: 気にしないで。次やらなければ大丈夫。

Chinese (Taiwanese Mandarin)

(Mai and Lori are having dinner at a restaurant.)
A: I need to use the bathroom. Where should I leave these pairs of chopsticks? Ah okay, I’ll just stick them into my bowl of rice….
B: 不行不行,你在幹嘛?你不要這樣。
……bù háng bù háng ,nǐ zài gàn ma ?nǐ bù yào zhè yàng 。
A: 為什麼不行啊?
……wéi shí me bù háng ā ?
B: 因為台灣人覺得這是禁忌。
……bù hǎo yì sī la ,wǒ bú shì gù yì de 。zhè yàng wǒ xià cì zhī dào le 。
A: 不好意思啦,我不是故意的。這樣我下次知道了。
……bù hǎo yì sī lā ,wǒ bù shì gù yì de 。zhè yàng wǒ xià cì zhī dào le 。
B: 沒關係啦,這沒什麼。
……méi guān xì lā ,zhè méi shí me 。

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Japanese Listening Practice | ジブリパークが開園するんだって! (Ghibli Park Opening Soon!)


Hi, welcome (back) to The Trilingual Chatbox Podcast! Are you are a fan of Studio Ghibli? In this episode, Mai shares some information about soon-to-open Ghibli Park.  It is spoken in Japanese first then followed by English.

You can find a full transcript at the bottom of this description area as well as on our WordPress website.

🆔 About Us
📽️ YouTube:https://youtube.com/@trilingual-chatbox
📱 twitter:https://twitter.com/3lingualcb
📬 Email:3lingual.cb@gmail.com

● 甘茶の音楽工房「夏色のキャンパス」

©️ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Photo by W T on Unsplash


1⃣ 世に送り出す(よにおくりだす)|to send out into the world, to create, to produce

2⃣ 世界観(せかいかん)|settings, surroundings (of a movie, story, etc.) 

3⃣ 仕上がる(しあがる)|to be ready, to be completed 

4⃣ ただ|but

5⃣ ~の際(~のさい)|when … 

~Comprehension Questions~

Q1 ジブリパークは何県にオープンするでしょうか。 
Ans. 愛知県(あいちけん)

Q2 ジブリパークはアトラクションや大きな乗り物はなく、どのような公園だと言っているでしょうか。
Ans. 自然の中を歩いてジブリの世界観を体感する公園

Q3 私はなぜジブリパークを訪れるのは2023年以降になると言っているでしょうか。

~Episode Transcript~






Hi, Japanese learners, I`m Mai from The Trilingual Chatbox. In this episode, I`m going to talk about “Recent news in Japan”. Ok, let`s get started.

At the beginning of next month, November 1st, 2022, Ghibli Park will open in Aichi Prefecture. I guess you all know Studio Ghibli, which is a Japanese Animation Studio. This studio has been creating countless famous works such as “My neighbor, Totoro” “Kiki`s delivery” and “Spirited Away”. 

Also, in this podcast, when I introduced three Japanese movies on episode 12, one of them was Studio Ghibli`s work in 1991 called “Only Yesterday”.  Check out the episode if you are interested.

Let`s get back to today`s story. This park has settings and surroundings from Ghibli movies. There will be five areas, but only three areas “Seishun Hill” “Ghibli`s Warehouse” and “Dondoko Forest” will open in November, and the other two areas “Mononoke Village” and “Witches Valley” will open in 2023. Yet, there will be no attractions or crazy rides, we can walk around and feel the Ghibli world in nature.

It is exciting to think that we are like going into the actual settings of Ghibli movies. My favorite movies are “my neighbor Totoro” and “Kiki`s delivery”, I would love to experience the settings of these two movies. It would be great if we could meet Cat bus, dust bunnies, and Totoro there. In fact, Ghibli movies are all amazing, so I`m so looking forward to seeing the completed park in near future.

It takes one and a half hours from Tokyo to Aichi by bullet train. If you take a regular train, it takes about 7 hours. I live farther from Aichi so I don`t think I will visit the park until all five areas are open in 2023.

The admission fee depends on the area, and you have to buy a ticket to enter each area. “Ghibli`s Warehouse”, where you can look at the displays is 2000 yen per adult on weekdays and 2500 yen on weekends. The other two areas that open in November will be 1000 yen each.
If you are a fan of Studio Ghibli, you can consider visiting this park for your next trip to Japan.

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Chinese Listening Practice | 最喜歡的台灣景點 (Lori’s favorite place in Taiwan)



If you’re learning Chinese, the new series can help with your Chinese listening skills. All episodes come with full transcripts. Join us today to check your listening comprehension skills! 

🆔 About Us
📽️ YouTube:https://youtube.com/@trilingual-chatbox
📱 twitter:https://twitter.com/3lingualcb
📬 Email:3lingual.cb@gmail.com

Cold Ears-Come Inside Mix by J. Lang (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/djlang59/59577 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg & Nickolas Nikolic, Mindmapthat

©️ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Photo by Timo Volz on Unsplash


  1. 特輯/特辑 tèjí
    special issue or collection
  2. 特地 tédì
    especially; for a specific purpose
  3. 如詩如畫/如诗如画 júshījúhuà
    [set expression] (especially of a place) stunningly beautiful like poetry or a painting; picturesque
  4. 入境 rùjìng
    to enter a country
  5. 提早做好計畫/提早做好计画 tízǎozuòhǎojìhuà
    to plan ahead
  6. 颱風季節/台风季节 táifēngjìjié
    typhoon(hurricane) season
  7. 考量 kǎoliáng
    to consider something
  8. 多寡 duōguǎ
    number; amount
  9. 包車/包车 bāochē
    to hire a car; chartered car (service)
  10. 顧及/顾及 gùjí
    to take into consideration


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨大家好!我是 the Trilingual Chatbox 的主持人 Lori。今天這一集節目是我們上個月底剛推出的新系列的中文版。它目前還沒有一個合適的標題,所以現在是以[1特輯]的形式呈現。在上一集當中,Mai-san用日文談到她日本最喜歡的地方,所以如果你除了中文之外也在學日文的話,記得要去收聽哦!這個系列每一集都包含了一個5分鐘的談話,語言難易度大致上是對應「漢語水平考試」的第三和第四級。


– Simplified Chinese –

嗨大家好!我是 the Trilingual Chatbox 的主持人 Lori。今天这一集节目是我们上个月底刚推出的新系列的中文版。它目前还没有一个合适的标题,所以现在是以[1特辑]的形式呈现。在上一集当中,Mai-san用日文谈到她日本最喜欢的地方,所以如果你除了中文之外也在学日文的话,记得要去收听哦!这个系列每一集都包含了一个5分钟的谈话,语言难易度大致上是对应「汉语水平考试」的第三和第四级。


– English –

What’s up guys! I’m Lori from the Trilingual Chatbox Podcast. This is the Taiwanese Mandarin edition of our new series which just came out late last month. We haven’t given it a proper title so for now it’ll be in the form of a bonus episode. In the previous one, Mai-san has talked about her favorite place in Japan, so if you’re also learning Japanese besides Chinese, make sure you check that out too. This series contains a 5-minute talk in each episode, and the level of Chinese roughly corresponds to HSK level 3 and 4.

So, today’s episode, it’s my turn to share my favorite place in Taiwan. I would love to introduce some place special and one not so easily predicted, so I’ve decided to go for a beautiful place in Hualien. It’s called Taroko Gorge. It is situated within the Taroko National Park, which lies on the east coast of the Taiwan island. I picked this place especially for nature lovers. If you can’t resist beautiful scenery, like myself, and are willing to skip a day in the modern world, then trust me, Taroko Gorge is definitely a must-see. You’ve got a scenic area with lofty waterfalls, steep gorges, a fun suspension bridge, and some trails along cliffs. This place is one of the most famous attractions and is seen as the gem of Taiwan. Now, if you’re intrigued, do check the entry restrictions for foreigners to Taiwan and plan ahead, as it’s still quite popular even during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s also advised that you choose a time other than July and August, as those months are the typhoon seasons in Taiwan, and roads and trails might close due to safety concerns. As for transportation, I don’t own a car, so basically I also identify myself as a tourist. But I do feel more relaxed when I get to take time to look around while visiting a place. Of course, it depends on your budget, the time span you plan on spending there, and the number of your travelling companion, but there’s the option of private cars for charter, where you get the flexibility I just mentioned for sightseeing while at a much higher cost, and there’s also the option of taking cheaper bus tours with a much more fixed timing that you might need to compromise on. But whichever option you choose, I’m sure the stunning view at Taroko Gorge will compensate for what you’ve missed.

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