Japanese Listening Practice | ジブリパークが開園するんだって! (Ghibli Park Opening Soon!)


Hi, welcome (back) to The Trilingual Chatbox Podcast! Are you are a fan of Studio Ghibli? In this episode, Mai shares some information about soon-to-open Ghibli Park.  It is spoken in Japanese first then followed by English.

You can find a full transcript at the bottom of this description area as well as on our WordPress website.

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● 甘茶の音楽工房「夏色のキャンパス」

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1⃣ 世に送り出す(よにおくりだす)|to send out into the world, to create, to produce

2⃣ 世界観(せかいかん)|settings, surroundings (of a movie, story, etc.) 

3⃣ 仕上がる(しあがる)|to be ready, to be completed 

4⃣ ただ|but

5⃣ ~の際(~のさい)|when … 

~Comprehension Questions~

Q1 ジブリパークは何県にオープンするでしょうか。 
Ans. 愛知県(あいちけん)

Q2 ジブリパークはアトラクションや大きな乗り物はなく、どのような公園だと言っているでしょうか。
Ans. 自然の中を歩いてジブリの世界観を体感する公園

Q3 私はなぜジブリパークを訪れるのは2023年以降になると言っているでしょうか。

~Episode Transcript~






Hi, Japanese learners, I`m Mai from The Trilingual Chatbox. In this episode, I`m going to talk about “Recent news in Japan”. Ok, let`s get started.

At the beginning of next month, November 1st, 2022, Ghibli Park will open in Aichi Prefecture. I guess you all know Studio Ghibli, which is a Japanese Animation Studio. This studio has been creating countless famous works such as “My neighbor, Totoro” “Kiki`s delivery” and “Spirited Away”. 

Also, in this podcast, when I introduced three Japanese movies on episode 12, one of them was Studio Ghibli`s work in 1991 called “Only Yesterday”.  Check out the episode if you are interested.

Let`s get back to today`s story. This park has settings and surroundings from Ghibli movies. There will be five areas, but only three areas “Seishun Hill” “Ghibli`s Warehouse” and “Dondoko Forest” will open in November, and the other two areas “Mononoke Village” and “Witches Valley” will open in 2023. Yet, there will be no attractions or crazy rides, we can walk around and feel the Ghibli world in nature.

It is exciting to think that we are like going into the actual settings of Ghibli movies. My favorite movies are “my neighbor Totoro” and “Kiki`s delivery”, I would love to experience the settings of these two movies. It would be great if we could meet Cat bus, dust bunnies, and Totoro there. In fact, Ghibli movies are all amazing, so I`m so looking forward to seeing the completed park in near future.

It takes one and a half hours from Tokyo to Aichi by bullet train. If you take a regular train, it takes about 7 hours. I live farther from Aichi so I don`t think I will visit the park until all five areas are open in 2023.

The admission fee depends on the area, and you have to buy a ticket to enter each area. “Ghibli`s Warehouse”, where you can look at the displays is 2000 yen per adult on weekdays and 2500 yen on weekends. The other two areas that open in November will be 1000 yen each.
If you are a fan of Studio Ghibli, you can consider visiting this park for your next trip to Japan.

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