When to use 敬語 (Honorific Japanese) and タメ語 (Casual Japanese)


Have you ever wondered how and when Japanese people decide to use Honorific Japanese (敬語) or Casual Japanese (タメ語)?

In this episode, we casually discuss when to use Honorific Japanese (Keigo | 敬語) and when to use Casual Japanese (Tamego | タメ語)  in general. At the end of this episode, Lori introduces some Keigo in Mandarin Chinese as well. Stay till the end!

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1 .Vocabulary 語彙

Honorific Japanese 敬語(Keigo | けいご)
Casual Japanese タメ語(Tamego | ためご)
Casual way of speaking  タメ口(Tameguchi | ためぐち)

*タメ語 and タメ口 are used interchangeably in an informal conversation.

2. Brief review of honorific Japanese and casual Japanese

There are 3 types of Keigo in Japan.

  1. Respectful Language 尊敬語(Sonkeigo | そんけいご)
    is used when you are talking to someone “older than you” or “higher class people (e.g. boss)” to show your respect.
  2. Humble Language 謙譲語 (Kenjyougo |けんじょうご)
    is used when you want to make yourself humble toward the person you`re talking to to show your respect.
  3. Polite Language 丁寧語(Teineigo | ていねいご) 
    is used when you want to be polite. Teineigo is used the most.

3. What are 普通体 (ふつうたい)and 丁寧体(ていねいたい)?

 丁寧体(Teineitai)is used when you want to show your respect to the reader(s) or listener(s), while 普通体(Futuutai) is used when you write or speak to your close friend(s) or family member(s). 普通体(futuutai) is used to speak タメ語(Tamego) ,

4. General Idea for decision-making

Basically, you decide whether to use Keigo or Tamego based on 1) how close you are to the person, 2) how comfortable you feel around the person, or 3) what environment you are in at the moment. For example, although you are close to your colleagues, you should speak to them in Keigo in a formal meeting. When you meet someone for the first time, you should use Keigo. Actually, it is always safe to speak in Teineigo. The person you are talking to will tell you not to use Keigo if they feel it is not necessary.

5. [R]espectful and [H]umble Language in Chinese (Some examples)

  • 請您/可否請您…? (Kě Fǒu Qǐng Nín…) = Could you please… ? [R]
  • 請用 (Qǐng Yòng) = Enjoy your food/meal. [R]
  • 請用茶 (Qǐng Yòng Chá) = Here’s your tea and enjoy. [R]
  • 家父/家母 (Jiā Fù/Jiā Mǔ) = my father/mother [H]
  • 令尊/令堂 (Lìng Zūn/Lìng Táng) = your father/mother [R]
  • 小弟 (Xiǎo Dì) = I (male) [H]
  • 小妹 (Xiǎo Mèi) = I (female) [H]
  • 小妹我家住台北 (Xiǎo Mèi Wǒ Jiā Zhù Tái Běi) = I live in Taipei. [H]

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