Japanese Listening Practice | 動画配信サービスで見れるお薦めの邦画 (Mai`s recommended Japanese movie on streaming service)


Hi, welcome (back) to The Trilingual Chatbox Podcast!  In this episode, Mai introduces a Must-See movie you can watch on streaming service. 

You can find a full transcript at the bottom of this page.

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1⃣ 邦画(ほうが)|Japanese movies

2⃣ 見どころ(みどころ)|the best part, highlight 

3⃣ まるっきり|completely, totally

4⃣ 行ったり来たりする(いったりきたりする)|go back and forth 

5⃣ 命がけ(いのちがけ)|risk one`s life, desperately 

6⃣ 興味をそそる(きょうみをそそる)| intriguing, enticing 

7⃣ ネタバレ(ねたばれ)|spoiler 

~Comprehension Questions and Answers~

Q1私はなぜ原作本を読むことにしたでしょう。Why did I decide to read the original book of this movie?

解答例: 映画を見て、本だとどのような書き方をしているのか知りたくなったから。

Q2 (Maiが思う)この映画の最大のテーマは何でしょう。What is the biggest theme of this movie?

解答例: 家族愛、親子愛

~Episode Transcript~




The Japanese movie I want to recommend today is “そしてバトンは渡された”. The English translation would be “And the baton was passed”. The leading actress is Mei Nagano and also Satomi Ishihara and Kei Tanaka play important roles in the movie. And a child actress in the movie is adorable. I am not going to talk about the story to avoid spoiling the movie, but if you want to watch the movie without any information at all, you should stop here.

Ok, let me continue… This movie is based on an original book of the same title written by Maiko Seo, and it won a bookstore award in Japan. In my case, I`ve seen the movie first before reading the book, but after seeing the movie, I wondered how this story is written in a book because it looked really difficult to put into words, so I bought the book right after seeing the movie and read it. Actually, it was really good, too. The movie and the book basically share the same story, but they are not exactly the same. It`s because movies generally can show complex scenes better than books, I guess, and I was impressed again by the flow of the story in the movie since the story goes back and forth in time, and it really makes the story interesting.

The tagline of this movie says, “two families. What are the lie and the secret those parents were trying to hide from the child?” Isn`t it enticing? I am sure you are eager to know the lie that parents wanted to hide from their child so badly, right? Those of you have seen the movie or read the book must be nodding your head right now. I`m not going to talk about the story today, but the biggest theme of the story is “family love”, I should say “different forms of parent-child relationship”.  The story is filled with the love of many characters. Make sure you prepare a towel when you watch this movie.

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