Japanese Listening Practice | 2022年新語・流行語大賞 (Year 2022 Buzzwords in Japan)


Hi, welcome (back) to The Trilingual Chatbox Podcast!  In this episode, Mai introduces  some of the Buzzwords that are nominated this year. It is spoken in Japanese first then followed by English.

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1⃣ 仮装する(かそうする)|to wear a costume 

2⃣ 話題の作品(わだいのさくひん)|a popular work(movie), a well-discussed work(movie) 

3⃣ ご存じ(ごぞんじ)|to know(「知る」の尊敬語)

4⃣ 買い求める(かいもとめる)|to buy, to purchase 

5⃣ コロナ渦(ころなか)|under the covid-19 pandemic 

6⃣ ~を自粛する(じしゅくする)| to refrain from …ing

~Comprehension Questions~

Q1.   ヤクルト1000が売れた理由は何ですか。

Ans. 睡眠の質が良くなるから 

2. ヌン活とは何を意味するでしょう。


3.    このノミネートされた30語の内の6つは何関連の言葉だったでしょうか。

Ans. 野球関連の言葉

~Episode Transcript~


まず1つ目は、Spy x Familyです。これはアニメですね。今年はハロウィーンにこのアニメにでてくる「アーニャ」という名前の女の子の仮装をする¹人がいたりと何かと話題の作品²でした。実際、私はまだそのアニメを見たことはないんですけど、今年はよく耳にするタイトルでした。





In Japan, the best buzzword of the year is awarded every December, and 30 nominated words were announced the other day. On the list, there were some words I know and some words I`d never heard of. Today, I will introduce some of them to you. If you want to know all 30 words, you can google “2022 buzzwords in Japan”.

The first one is “Spy x Family”. This is an animation, and it was very popular this year. There were people who wore the costume of Anya, one of the main characters of “Spy x Family”, on the day of Halloween. Though I haven`t seen the animation yet, it is much-discussed animation this year for sure.

The second one is “Yakult 1000”. You guys know Yakult, right? It is a healthy drink. I heard this Yakult 1000 was released in 2021 but people started saying “the quality of sleep improved after drinking this Yakult 1000” and it became difficult to obtain. After all, good sleep is what everyone wants, right?

The third one is “face pants”. Actually, I didn’t know this word until it is nominated for this award. Have you heard of it? Or, can you guess what it is?  It means that people think a face mask is something like underwear now and feel embarrassed to be seen without it.  In some overseas countries, I know many people are no longer wearing a face mask outdoors, but in Japan, not many people walk without a mask outside.

The fourth one is “Nunkatsu”. I don’t think you can guess the meaning of the word by just hearing it. To be honest, I didn’t know this word, either. The original word “Katu” came from “katsudou” and it means activity. Originally, it is used in the word “就活”. It is a shortened version of “就職活動 job-hunting in English”, then “katsu” started to be used in many different words such as “Konkatsu”, “Oshikatu” and “Asakastu”. “Konkatsu” means “activities to find a life partner”, “Oshikatu” means “activities to support your favorite singer, actor, anime character, and so on, and “Asakatu” means “activities you do in the early morning”. And this “Nunkatsu” means that people enjoy having afternoon tea at a hotel or a restaurant. Because of the pandemic, people refrained from going on a trip and they enjoyed things they can do nearby.

Also, I was surprised by the fact that there are 6 words related to baseball. It looks like baseball is still very popular in Japan.

In addition, there were words related to current news such as the New Japanese Invoice System, the Omicron Variant, and the depreciation of the yen. I wonder which one will be the best buzzword of this year. It will be announced on the 1st of December.

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