Chinese Listening Practice | 台灣的物價 (Cost of Living in Taiwan)


What is it like to live in Taiwan? Today we have a conversation about the cost of living in Taiwan, benchmarked against US dollars. The content roughly corresponds to HSK3 to HSK4. See below for model answers to Lori’s questions.

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  • 1. 物價/物价 wùjià
    commodity prices [TBCL5]
  • 2. 折合 zhéhé
    to convert into; to be equivalent to [TBCL6]
  • 3. 連鎖/连锁 liánsuǒ
    chain (store, etc); to be linked; to interlock [HSK6][TBCL6]
  • 4. 搭配 dāpèi
    to pair up; to match; to arrange in pairs; to add sth into a group [HSK6][TBCL5]
  • 5. 搞定 gǎodìng
    to fix; to settle [TBCL5]
  • 6. 居住 jūzhù
    to reside; to dwell; to live in a place; resident in [HSK6][TBCL5]
  • 7. 排名 páimíng
    to rank (1st, 2nd etc); ranking [TBCL6]
  • 8. 坪 píng
    unit of area equal to 35.58 square feet (used in Japan and Taiwan) [TBCL5]
  • 9. 平方英尺 píngfāngyīngchǐ
    square foot
  • 10. 套房 tàofáng
    suite; apartment; flat [TBCL5]
  • 11. 不等 bùděng
    varied [TBCL6]
  • 12. 醫療/医疗 yīliáo
    medical treatment [TBCL5]
  • 13. 特地 tèdì
    specially; for a special purpose [TBCL5]
  • 14. 診所/诊所 zhěnsuǒ
    clinic [TBCL5]
  • 15. 奢侈 shēchǐ
    luxurious; extravagant [HSK6][TBCL6]


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。大家都過得好嗎?節目一開始,我先回答上一集的兩個問題。如果你已經先在WordPress網站上對過答案,歡迎跳過上集解答的部份,直接進入今天的主要內容。[……]





A: 今天我們要來聊台灣的物價。你要不要先說說,住在台灣最大的城市裡是什麼感覺呢?

L: 嗯,對我來說,在台北生活的第一個感覺就是,真的非常方便。大家可能聽說過台灣的超商、也就是便利商店很多,尤其台北特別多。你家附近如果有一家超商,應該三餐都不需要擔心了。不過,方便是方便,便利商店的食物通常比一般超市貴一些。比如說,目前在超市買蛋,一顆大約是台幣10元,折合₂美金大概是30分錢。但現在在超商買茶葉蛋,一顆要18塊了,大約是美金50分錢。不過,很多上班族會去超商買早餐或中餐,一個便當大概平均80塊,差不多是美金2塊5,我想吃一餐花這樣的價錢應該是蠻便宜的。

A: 確實是不貴。那國際連鎖₃店的價格呢?

L: 像上一集裡Mai-san用了麥當勞作例子。那在台北的話,一個大麥克全餐搭配₄薯條是130元,跟日本的價格幾乎是一樣的。如果是在星巴克喝咖啡,你點了那堤、或有人稱為拿鐵,一杯中杯那堤是120元台幣,大約是4塊錢美金,看樣子台灣要比日本還要再貴一些。不過如果你是在超商買拿鐵的話,一杯只要大概50元而已,相當於美金1塊4,這樣就便宜多了。

A: 看來只要有一份工作,在台北要搞定₅三餐不算太困難。

L: 對啊。但說到居住₆就沒這麼便宜了。台北不管是租屋還是買房子,價格都很高。以今年度的房價收入比來看,台灣排名₇世界第18名,也就是買房子的困難程度是全球第18位高的。在台北市如果要買房子,一坪₈至少要40到50萬台幣,舉例來說,如果買的是30坪的房子,大概是1068平方英尺₉的大小,可能至少要花上1200萬台幣,大約40萬美金左右。用中等收入的上班族一個月5萬塊台幣的收入來計算,不吃不喝也要20年才買得起房子,所以租房子的人不少,一間套房₁₀的租金每個月從8000到30000元不等₁₁,折合美金是250到940元。

A: 好辛苦啊!在台北買房子真不容易。你有車子嗎?

L: 喔,我沒有車。台北市內停車不方便,所以我通常騎機車,偶而會搭公車和捷運。住在台北市的另一個好處就是有不少大眾交通工具,相當便利。公車一段票只要15元,美金50分錢,最多就花2段票30元。搭捷運就更快速了,每段票最低20元台幣,如果搭最遠的距離,最多也只需要65元,也就是美金2塊多而已。所以對台北的交通我真的覺得很滿意。

A: 台北的公共交通工具真的很方便。另外,我聽說台灣的健保制度也蠻理想的。

L: 我也聽說很多人因為台灣的醫療₁₂很便宜、品質也很好,特地₁₃來台灣看醫生。外國人只要有外僑居留證就可以在台灣使用健保看病了。例如我如果喉嚨痛去附近的診所₁₄看醫生,一次費用是大概200元,也就是6塊多美金。如果我是去醫院,每次差不多是500元,16塊美金。因為真的不貴,所以台灣人變得很習慣一生病就要看醫生和拿藥,有好也有壞啦!

A: 不過我相信,很多國家的居民也都希望看病不再是一件奢侈₁₅的事吧!

L: 嗯,沒錯!

– Simplified Chinese –

嗨!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。大家都过得好吗?节目一开始,我先回答上一集的两个问题。如果你已经先在WordPress网站上对过答案,欢迎跳过上集解答的部份,直接进入今天的主要内容。[……]





A: 今天我们要来聊台湾的物价。你要不要先说说,住在台湾最大的城市里是什么感觉呢?

L: 嗯,对我来说,在台北生活的第一个感觉就是,真的非常方便。大家可能听说过台湾的超商、也就是便利商店很多,尤其台北特别多。你家附近如果有一家超商,应该三餐都不需要担心了。不过,方便是方便,便利商店的食物通常比一般超市贵一些。比如说,目前在超市买蛋,一颗大约是台币10元,折合₂美金大概是30分钱。但现在在超商买茶叶蛋,一颗要18块了,大约是美金50分钱。不过,很多上班族会去超商买早餐或中餐,一个便当大概平均80块,差不多是美金2块5,我想吃一餐花这样的价钱应该是蛮便宜的。

A: 确实是不贵。那国际连锁₃店的价格呢?

L: 像上一集里Mai-san用了麦当劳作例子。那在台北的话,一个大麦克全餐搭配₄薯条是130元,跟日本的价格几乎是一样的。如果是在星巴克喝咖啡,你点了那堤、或有人称为拿铁,一杯中杯那堤是120元台币,大约是4块钱美金,看样子台湾要比日本还要再贵一些。不过如果你是在超商买拿铁的话,一杯只要大概50元而已,相当于美金1块4,这样就便宜多了。

A: 看来只要有一份工作,在台北要搞定₅三餐不算太困难。

L: 对啊。但说到居住₆就没这么便宜了。台北不管是租屋还是买房子,价格都很高。以今年度的房价收入比来看,台湾排名₇世界第18名,也就是买房子的困难程度是全球第18位高的。在台北市如果要买房子,一坪₈至少要40到50万台币,举例来说,如果买的是30坪的房子,大概是1068平方英尺₉的大小,可能至少要花上1200万台币,大约40万美金左右。用中等收入的上班族一个月5万块台币的收入来计算,不吃不喝也要20年才买得起房子,所以租房子的人不少,一间套房₁₀的租金每个月从8000到30000元不等₁₁,折合美金是250到940元。

A: 好辛苦啊!在台北买房子真不容易。你有车子吗?

L: 喔,我没有车。台北市内停车不方便,所以我通常骑机车,偶而会搭公车和捷运。住在台北市的另一个好处就是有不少大众交通工具,相当便利。公车一段票只要15元,美金50分钱,最多就花2段票30元。搭捷运就更快速了,每段票最低20元台币,如果搭最远的距离,最多也只需要65元,也就是美金2块多而已。所以对台北的交通我真的觉得很满意。

A: 台北的公共交通工具真的很方便。另外,我听说台湾的健保制度也蛮理想的。

L: 我也听说很多人因为台湾的医疗₁₂很便宜、品质也很好,特地₁₃来台湾看医生。外国人只要有外侨居留证就可以在台湾使用健保看病了。例如我如果喉咙痛去附近的诊所₁₄看医生,一次费用是大概200元,也就是6块多美金。如果我是去医院,每次差不多是500元,16块美金。因为真的不贵,所以台湾人变得很习惯一生病就要看医生和拿药,有好也有坏啦!

A: 不过我相信,很多国家的居民也都希望看病不再是一件奢侈₁₅的事吧!

L: 嗯,没错!

– English –

A: Today let’s talk about the cost of living in Taiwan. Would you like to start by sharing how you feel about living in the biggest city in Taiwan?

L: Well, for starters, it is quite convenient to live in Taipei. You may have heard that there are a great number of convenience stores in Taiwan, especially in Taipei. You should probably be free from worrying about looking for food if you have one in the neighborhood. But convenient as it may be, generally speaking, the price of food there is usually a little bit higher than that of a supermarket. For example, it costs about NT$10 for an egg at the supermarket, which is around 30 cents in US dollars. But now buying a tea egg at convenience stores costs about NT$18, that is 50 cents. But still, many office workers will buy their breakfast or lunch there, which usually sets them back NT$80 on average for a boxed lunch, that’s 2 dollars 50 cents. I guess the price is rather cheap for a meal like this.

A: Yeah, I agree. It’s not too bad. What about the prices of multi-national chain stores?

L: In the last episode, Mai-san used Big Mac at McDonald’s as an example. A Big Mac Combo meal with fries here in Taipei costs NT$130. It’s almost the same price as in Japan. If you order a tall latte at Starbucks, you’ll pay NT$120. That’s US$4. So it seems like it costs a little more here in Taiwan than in Japan. But if you’re getting one at a convenience store, you only need to spend NT$50, that’s US$1.40. That’ll be much cheaper.

A: It seems that as long as you have a job, it is not too difficult to fix three meals a day in Taipei.

L: Right. But it’s not that cheap when it comes to housing. The price is really high whether you’re renting or buying a house in Taipei. According to the Property Prices Index ranking by country this year, Taiwan ranks 18th in the world. That is how hard for people here to afford a house, a difficulty ranking in the 18th place. If you want to buy a house in Taipei City, it will cost at least NT$11,250 to NT$14,000 per square foot. For example, if you buy a house of 1068 square feet in size, it may cost you at least US$400,000. Based on a middle-income office worker that earns NT$50,000 a month, even with no extra expenses on food, it would still take 20 years for anyone to be able to afford a house here. So many people are renting. The monthly rent for a suite ranges from NT$8,000 to NT$30,000 – that’s US$250 to US$940.

A: That’s tough. Owning a house in Taipei is not easy. Do you have a car?

L: Oh, I don’t. Car parking is inconvenient in downtown Taipei, so I usually ride a motorcycle and occasionally I take the bus or the MRT. Another advantage of living in Taipei City is that there is public transportation everywhere, which is quite convenient. The regular bus fare for a one-segment ticket is only NT$15, 50 cents in US dollars, and you pay two-segment tickets at most for NT$30. Taking the MRT is even faster. The minimum is NT$20 per segment. Even the farthest distance only costs you NT$65 at most, which is just over US$2. So I am really satisfied with the traffic in Taipei.

A: The public transportation in Taipei is really convenient. In addition to that, I heard the healthcare system in Taiwan is quite an ideal one.

L: I also heard that many foreigners come to Taiwan to see a doctor because the medical care here is cheap and of good quality. Foreigners are qualified for National Health Insurance in Taiwan as long as they have an alien resident certificate. For example, if I go to a nearby clinic to treat my sore throat, the registration fee is about NT$200; that’s a little more than US$6. If I go to the hospital, it is about NT$500 each time, which is US$16. It is quite inexpensive, so Taiwanese people have become very used to seeing a doctor and getting prescriptions when feeling unwell, even the slightest. Well, every coin has two sides.

A: But I believe it’s a common wish in many other countries that seeing a doctor can no longer be a luxury!

L: Right, that is true.

Q1: Lori平常都使用什麼交通工具呢?

– Traditional Chinese –


– Simplified Chinese –


Q2: 今天Lori提到的台北物價當中,最貴的是哪一個部分呢?是飲食、居住、交通、還是看病?

– Traditional Chinese –


– Simplified Chinese –


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