Chinese Listening Practice | 最常收聽的 Podcasts (The Most Listened to Podcasts – Lori’s List)


Today’s episode includes an unscripted talk about Lori’s go-to podcasts when she has free time. We’ve also released a video version of the same talk our YouTube channel. Check it out below or watch it on YouTube!

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💠 Vocabulary

  1. 心理學/心理学 xīnlǐxué
    psychology [HSK5]
  2. 呈現/呈现 chéngxiàn
    to present; to demonstrate [HSK6][B2]
  3. 配音 pèiyīn
    {film-making} dubbing [C1]
  4. 娛樂/娱乐 yúlè
    to entertain; entertainment; recreation; hobby [HSK5][B1]
  5. 互動/互动 hùdòng
    to interact [C1]
  6. 謙虛/谦虚 qiānxū
    modest [HSK5][B1]
  7. 世代 shìdài
    generation; ear [HSK6][C1]
  8. 身份 shēnfèn
    identity; status; role [HSK5][B2]
  9. 搞笑 gǎoxiào
    to get people to laugh; funny; hilarious
  10. 機智/机智 jīzhì
    quick-witted; resourceful [HSK6]
  11. 時事/时事 shíshì
    current trends; the present situation [HSK6]
  12. 粉絲/粉丝 fěnsī
    {loanword} fan; follower
  13. 架構/架构 jiàgòu
    structure; framework [C1]
  14. 條理/条理 tiáolǐ
    arrangement; order [HSK6]
  15. 精準/精准 jīngzhǔn
    accurate; exact; precise


– Traditional Chinese –

🔴 Click on En / Tc / Sc to go to desired parts of translations or transcripts.

1️⃣嗨大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天的內容有一點點不一樣,我手上是沒有拿著文字稿的,所以,這一集呢會是真正的全口語聽力練習。所以呢,這集是沒有分級的。那我們就開始囉!

今天的節目會分成兩個部分,一個是就是標題上面寫的「Lori常聽的podcast節目」,那另外一個是上一次我們的節目裡面的「中文聽力練習16」,有三個問題,那我也會在這一集裡面一併跟大家說上禮拜的答案,同樣在WordPress網站上面也有同樣的答案。那我們直接先進入今天的主要內容。我之前曾經有說過「播客」這兩個字,不過其實在台灣呢,我們不太常聽到有人說「播客」,大部分人都還是說「Podcast」,甚至其實台灣人可能發音會是「撥客」不是標準的「播客」,這樣。所以在這集裡面呢,那我還是用「Podcast」,因為聽起來比較習慣,因為我自己其實也不會說「播客」這兩個字。 🔴En

2️⃣那我們今天要講的就是,首先就是為什麼我會選擇我今天要介紹的「Podcast」。那主要是因為我的興趣,興趣的話從大學的時候開始,我大概就對心理學1有一些興趣。不過大學我的主修是英文、不是心理,我只輔修了一些課程。那我對人類的行為啊、人際互動啊、還有人的想法,很有興趣,所以對這方面我就一直會注意。然後另外我對文化也很有興趣,所以,包括文化的兩個部分,第一個是對我來說很重要的,喜劇,也就是美國的「Stand-up comedy」,就是「單口相聲」或我們翻成「單口喜劇」。這是一個很容易介紹接觸到文化的一塊,然後因為他又有趣,所以對我來說很重要,我很喜歡看喜劇的表演。那另外一部分當然就是電影。電影是最能呈現2一個文化,一個民族、一個國家文化的一個呈現,那對我來說這個部分,我會想要特別注意、特別關注的。那另外一個就是,大家應該知道我喜歡動畫,我喜歡動畫除了動畫有趣之外,還有就是我覺得配音3員很厲害,很厲害的配音員他們不僅能夠用聲音表演,還可以讓人家覺得很悅耳,聽起來聲音很好聽。這些都是我的興趣。那麼,這也就延伸到我會選擇的Podcast節目。🔴En


4️⃣所以呢.這就跟我選擇的標準是有點關係的,就是我選擇今天要介紹的節目呢,第一個就是我希望它跟心理層面能夠有點相關,就是它能夠、主持人可以提供他的人生經驗啦,然後又可以在節目當中給一些社會觀察的部分。但是,當然看新聞也可以,不過我希望可以用更輕鬆的方式學習到這些新知。也就是,我希望這個節目要有我能夠學習的觀點。然後第二個是,主持人的年齡層對我來說很重要。中文有一種說法叫「代溝」,其實就是「Generation Gap」。那年紀跟我相近的人,我通常跟他們聊天的時候比較聊得上,然後也比較聽得懂他們的用語。因為每個世代7的語言不太一樣,笑點不太一樣,然後用字也不太一樣,所以,我覺得能夠聽得懂這個節目對我來說還蠻重要的。那我其實有看了一下,我的Spotify上面的、我按了Follow的節目,其實遠超過50個。我也不知道我怎麼訂閱了這麼多個節目。最後我決定要介紹兩個。第一個是我相信應該大部份會說英文的人可能都有聽過,就是美國的一個節目叫做「Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend」,我們翻成「康納歐布萊恩」,但如果翻「康納歐布萊恩需要一個朋友」聽起來有點拗口,所以我等一下還是用英文來稱呼這個節目。那另外一個是中文的節目,叫做「那些電影教我的事」。那他們有翻一個英文的title叫「Lessons from Movies」。那這個我們等一下也一併說。🔴En

5️⃣那我首先就先介紹「Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend」這個節目。那Conan這個人呢,他其實是具有多重身份8的。他在真正開始主持Podcast之前,他其實是電視的主持人、脫口秀主持人。那在更早之前呢,他還是編劇,所以他多重身份包含了編劇、主持人、他本身也是喜劇演員、還有他也是製作人。那之前他在NBC,就是美國有線電視台,先主持了「深夜秀」(Late Night with Conan O’Brien),然後後來會變成「今夜秀」(The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien),接下來又跟著一些呃原因啦,這邊就不說了,他到了TBS,這是另外一家電視公司;他主持了由他自己為名的「Conan」,也就是「康納秀」。那這個「康納秀」在去年2021年正式結束了,不過Podcast在這個之前就開始了;開始的時間是2018年,我也是從2018年開始非常關注這一個節目。那這個節目呢,它是由三個主持人所主持的,除了Conan本人之外,還有一個是Podcast的製作人叫Matt Gourley,這個Matt本身也是喜劇演員。另外還有一個很特別的角色,她是,這個搭檔叫Sona Movsesian,她是Conan自己的個人助理。這個女生她在2019年加入這個節目,她因為多年以來都跟Conan密切的合作,然後兩個人關係很好,她這個人也很具有幽默感,所以呢,她就漸漸地加入了這個節目。那在今年她其實有出了一本跟Conan還蠻有關係的一本著作,她寫了一本書叫「The World’s Worst Assistant」,當然這個是一個玩笑話啦,那她就成為作家了。這本書目前還沒有中文翻譯,不過她有線上的有聲書,是由Sona自己本人朗讀的。它現在已經是紐約時報暢銷書排行榜的一本書了。🔴En

6️⃣這個節目主要當然是要訪問Conan的朋友嘛,那這些朋友呢,他們一進節目就要先說「I feel … about being Conan O’Brien’s friend」(當Conan O’Brien的朋友我覺得很…怎麼樣怎麼樣)。那當然這些朋友呢,大部分都是Conan認識多年的朋友,例如六人行(Friends)的Phoebe,就是Conan的很好很好的朋友。那除了演藝圈之外的朋友之外呢,Conan也會邀請政治圈的人,比如說Barack Obama也是他邀請的來賓之一。那麼這部節目它的有趣在於它有時候很搞笑9、有時候很正經,在YouTube上面已經有真正可以看得到他們錄影節目情形的視頻。好那他們跟搭檔的互動,就因為Sona跟Matt是O’Brien的好朋友嘛,所以他們會彼此開玩笑。然後O’Brien又很喜歡自嘲,就是嘲笑自己,笑自己的外型啦,或者是拿他的家人對他很不尊敬這件事情拿來開玩笑。然後Conan自己,自己這個人又反應很快,他很機智10,他能夠諷刺時事11,然後,但是卻又能看場合、看對象,所以這幾點都是我喜歡這個節目的原因。🔴En







再來第三題:你覺得「雞蛋布丁」長什麼樣子呢?好我的答案是,雞蛋布丁有兩層顏色,看起來像法國的甜點「crème caramel」。


– Simplified Chinese –

1️⃣嗨大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天的内容有一点点不一样,我手上是没有拿着文字稿的,所以,这一集呢会是真正的全口语听力练习。所以呢,这集是没有分级的。那我们就开始囉!


2️⃣那我们今天要讲的就是,首先就是为什麽我会选择我今天要介绍的「Podcast」。那主要是因为我的兴趣,兴趣的话从大学的时候开始,我大概就对心理学₁有一些兴趣。不过大学我的主修是英文、不是心理,我只辅修了一些课程。那我对人类的行为啊、人际互动啊、还有人的想法,很有兴趣,所以对这方面我就一直会注意。然后另外我对文化也很有兴趣,所以,包括文化的两个部分,第一个是对我来说很重要的,喜剧,也就是美国的「Stand-up comedy」,就是「单口相声」或我们翻成「单口喜剧」。这是一个很容易介绍接触到文化的一块,然后因为他又有趣,所以对我来说很重要,我很喜欢看喜剧的表演。那另外一部分当然就是电影。电影是最能呈现₂一个文化,一个民族、一个国家文化的一个呈现,那对我来说这个部分,我会想要特别注意、特别关注的。那另外一个就是,大家应该知道我喜欢动画,我喜欢动画除了动画有趣之外,还有就是我觉得配音₃员很厉害,很厉害的配音员他们不仅能够用声音表演,还可以让人家觉得很悦耳,听起来声音很好听。这些都是我的兴趣。那麽,这也就延伸到我会选择的Podcast节目。🔴En


4️⃣所以呢.这就跟我选择的标准是有点关係的,就是我选择今天要介绍的节目呢,第一个就是我希望它跟心理层面能够有点相关,就是它能够、主持人可以提供他的人生经验啦,然后又可以在节目当中给一些社会观察的部分。但是,当然看新闻也可以,不过我希望可以用更轻松的方式学习到这些新知。也就是,我希望这个节目要有我能够学习的观点。然后第二个是,主持人的年龄层对我来说很重要。中文有一种说法叫「代沟」,其实就是「Generation Gap」。那年纪跟我相近的人,我通常跟他们聊天的时候比较聊得上,然后也比较听得懂他们的用语。因为每个世代₇的语言不太一样,笑点不太一样,然后用字也不太一样,所以,我觉得能够听得懂这个节目对我来说还蛮重要的。那我其实有看了一下,我的Spotify上面的、我按了Follow的节目,其实远超过50个。我也不知道我怎麽订阅了这麽多个节目。最后我决定要介绍两个。第一个是我相信应该大部份会说英文的人可能都有听过,就是美国的一个节目叫做「Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend」,我们翻成「康纳欧布莱恩」,但如果翻「康纳欧布莱恩需要一个朋友」听起来有点拗口,所以我等一下还是用英文来称呼这个节目。那另外一个是中文的节目,叫做「那些电影教我的事」。那他们有翻一个英文的title叫「Lessons from Movies」。那这个我们等一下也一併说。🔴En

5️⃣那我首先就先介绍「Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend」这个节目。那Conan这个人呢,他其实是具有多重身份₈的。他在真正开始主持Podcast之前,他其实是电视的主持人、脱口秀主持人。那在更早之前呢,他还是编剧,所以他多重身份包含了编剧、主持人、他本身也是喜剧演员、还有他也是製作人。那之前他在NBC,就是美国有线电视台,先主持了「深夜秀」(Late Night with Conan O’Brien),然后后来会变成「今夜秀」(The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien),接下来又跟着一些呃原因啦,这边就不说了,他到了TBS,这是另外一家电视公司;他主持了由他自己为名的「Conan」,也就是「康纳秀」。那这个「康纳秀」在去年2021年正式结束了,不过Podcast在这个之前就开始了;开始的时间是2018年,我也是从2018年开始非常关注这一个节目。那这个节目呢,它是由三个主持人所主持的,除了Conan本人之外,还有一个是Podcast的製作人叫Matt Gourley,这个Matt本身也是喜剧演员。另外还有一个很特别的角色,她是,这个搭档叫Sona Movsesian,她是Conan自己的个人助理。这个女生她在2019年加入这个节目,她因为多年以来都跟Conan密切的合作,然后两个人关係很好,她这个人也很具有幽默感,所以呢,她就渐渐地加入了这个节目。那在今年她其实有出了一本跟Conan还蛮有关係的一本着作,她写了一本书叫「The World’s Worst Assistant」,当然这个是一个玩笑话啦,那她就成为作家了。这本书目前还没有中文翻译,不过她有线上的有声书,是由Sona自己本人朗读的。它现在已经是纽约时报畅销书排行榜的一本书了。🔴En

6️⃣这个节目主要当然是要访问Conan的朋友嘛,那这些朋友呢,他们一进节目就要先说「I feel … about being Conan O’Brien’s friend」(当Conan O’Brien的朋友我觉得很…怎麽样怎麽样)。那当然这些朋友呢,大部分都是Conan认识多年的朋友,例如六人行(Friends)的Phoebe,就是Conan的很好很好的朋友。那除了演艺圈之外的朋友之外呢,Conan也会邀请政治圈的人,比如说Barack Obama也是他邀请的来宾之一。那麽这部节目它的有趣在于它有时候很搞笑₉、有时候很正经,在YouTube上面已经有真正可以看得到他们录影节目情形的视频。好那他们跟搭档的互动,就因为Sona跟Matt是O’Brien的好朋友嘛,所以他们会彼此开玩笑。然后O’Brien又很喜欢自嘲,就是嘲笑自己,笑自己的外型啦,或者是拿他的家人对他很不尊敬这件事情拿来开玩笑。然后Conan自己,自己这个人又反应很快,他很机智₁,他能够讽刺时事₁₁,然后,但是却又能看场合、看对象,所以这几点都是我喜欢这个节目的原因。🔴En







再来第三题:你觉得「鸡蛋布丁」长什麽样子呢?好我的答案是,鸡蛋布丁有两层颜色,看起来像法国的甜点「crème caramel」。


– English –

1️⃣Hi guys! I’m Lori, your host today from the Trilingual Chatbox. We’re doing today’s episode a little differently. I don’t actually have a script in my hand, so this episode is going to be in the form of an unscripted talk. And therefore the materials won’t be graded. All right, then let’s get started!

Today’s show will be divided into two parts. In the first part, just like the title, I’ll talk about podcasts I listen to all the time. From Listening Practice Episode 16 I posed three questions. In the second part of today’s show, I’ll answer those for you. The answers are also already available on our WordPress website. So let’s go straight to our topic today. I’ve used the word “Bò Kè” before on some episodes of our shows, but actually, we don’t hear people use the term very often in Taiwan. Most people here just say “podcast,” and the standard pronunciation is even actually replaced by “Bō Kè.” So, in today’s episode, I’ll use the English word instead, since I don’t say “Bò Kè” much myself. And I’m also more accustomed to it being referred to this way. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

2️⃣So the first thing we’re going to talk about today is the reason why I chose what I chose to introduce today. I made these choices based on my own interest. My growing interest in psychology probably began when I was in college, but my major in college was English, not psychology. I only minored in related programs. I’m interested in human behaviors, interpersonal relationships, and the mindset of individuals, so I’ve always paid attention to these aspects. Other than that, I’m also drawn to cultures. So here are two areas that cover cultural elements. The first one is pretty important to me: comedy, and specifically, I’m talking about “stand-up comedy” derived in the US. In Chinese, it’s translated as “Dān Kǒu Xiàng Shēng” or “Dān Kǒu Xǐ Jù.” Comedy is an easy way to introduce one to a culture. Plus, it’s entertaining, so it’s quite important and enjoyable to me. The other one is, of course, the movie. Movies are the best way to represent a culture or a nation, to embody a culture of a country. For me, this is the aspect that I will want to pay special attention to. Another thing I’d like to talk about is anime. l like anime not only because it’s interesting, but also because I admire the voice talents behind these animes. Outstanding voice actors and actresses can not only perform with their voices but also impress people with them. They simply sound amazing. All of these are my interests. This brings us to the podcast choices I made. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

3️⃣Why do I want to listen to Podcasts? The first reason is that I need some recreational activities. Listening to Podcasts brings me joy and helps me relax. I usually listen to Podcasts before and after I shower, when I exercise, or like, when I commute, or when I’m riding my motorcycle. These are the moments when I’m possibly listening to a podcast. And besides reading, I would also like my brain to absorb some other forms of nutrients. It’s nice to be able to learn new knowledge; even better when you get to laugh at the same time. So the first is about how I stay entertained. The other reason why I listen to Podcasts is that I want to listen for people’s chats. I want to be able to, first, learn people’s verbal communication skills, and second, observe how they interact with each other. These would remind me of the areas where I’m deficient and that I need to stay humble. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

4️⃣And this all relates to the choice criteria. So I chose the shows that I’m going to introduce in a bit because first, they had to cover some psychological aspects. I mean, I would love the hosts to share their life experiences. And also the show might reflect social phenomena to some extent. But of course, I could get all that from the news. Yet I do hope to learn new things more casually. That is, I would like the shows to offer some perspectives that I could learn from. And second, the age group of the hosts is essential to me. There is a phrase in Chinese and we say “Dài Gōu,” generation gap. I usually communicate better with people around my age when chatting, and I understand the choice of words better, too. Language use differs from generation to generation. We laugh at different things, and we use certain words differently. So it’s quite important that I feel a certain show speaks to me or for me. I actually checked the list of subscriptions on Spotify. There were actually way more than 50 of them. I have no idea how I ended up subscribing to so many shows, but I decided to introduce just 2 out of them. I believe most people who speak English might have heard of the first show. It’s produced in the United States, called “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.” The name is translated into Chinese as “Kāng Nà Ōu Bù Lái Ēn.” But if we make direct translations from there, it might sound a little awkward for a show. I think I’ll just stay with the original title when I refer to it later in this talk. The other podcast I’m introducing to you is a Taiwanese Mandarin show called “Nà Xiē Diàn Yǐng Jiāo Wǒ De Shì.” They have an English title too: “Lessons from Movies.” We’ll get back to it later. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

5️⃣Now let’s introduce the show “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.” So Conan. He balances several roles in his life. Before starting to host his podcast, he was actually a TV show host, a talk show host. Before that, he was still a screenwriter; his titles include screenwriter, host, comedian, and even producer. He was on NBC, an American broadcasting TV network. There he hosted “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” and later “The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien.” For some reasons that I won’t be discussing here, he left for TBS, another TV network. That was when he hosted “Conan,” a show under his own name. This show officially ended last year in 2021, but the Podcast started before that in 2018. I’ve also been paying close attention to this show ever since then. As for the show itself, it was hosted by three people. In addition to Conan himself, there’s also the producer of this podcast, Matt Gourley, who is also a comedian himself. The other very special sidekick is Sona Movsesian. She’s Conan O’Brien’s own personal assistant. This lady joined the show in 2019. Because Sona has worked closely with Conan for many years, the two have a very good relationship with each other. Sona also has a great sense of humor and so gradually she became a regular on the show. Just this year, she actually published a book based on this relationship with Conan. It’s titled “The World’s Worst Assistant,” which is obviously said jokingly. So she officially became an author. There is currently no Chinese translation of the book, but she does have an audiobook online, narrated by Sona herself. The book is now a New York Times bestseller. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

6️⃣The main purpose of this show is of course to interview Conan’s friends. As soon as they come on the show, they have to first say “I feel … about being Conan O’Brien’s friend.” Most of them were of course Conan’s personal friends who he has known for many, many years, such as Lisa Kudrow, who plays Phoebe on the sitcom “Friends.” She has been one of Conan’s closest friends. Besides those in show business, Conan also invites politicians, such as Barack Obama, the former president of the United States, as one of his guests on his podcast. So what’s interesting about this show is that it could be hilarious, and sometimes it could turn very serious as well. There are already video clips on YouTube where you can actually see the podcast live while they do the recordings. As for the interactions between the three hosts, since Sona and Matt are Conan’s best friends, they really joke around a lot. And Conan’s been famous for his self-deprecating kind of humor. He laughs at himself for his own appearances, and some fun facts like his own wife and kids actually show no respect to him. He’s quick to respond, an incredibly witty guy, and has a satirical sense of humor about current events, but at the same time never fails to read the room and is sophisticated enough to say the right thing to his guests. These are all the reasons why I enjoy this show. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

7️⃣Next up is “Lessons from Movies.” This is a program hosted by a couple. The husband calls himself “Suī Āng,” which means “the handsome husband” in Taiwanese Hokkien. And the wife calls herself “Suī Bòu,” “the pretty wife.” They have actually engaged in diversifying their businesses since as early as 2012. They have already done a lot of work. The two have always had a passion for watching movies. If you have watched episode 12 on this podcast where Mai and I talked about movies, we mentioned the different genres of movies in that episode. The husband here is a fan of science fiction and action movies, and the wife loves suspense movies and dramas. So they both have a love for movies, but just in different genres. They had jobs respectively at a gaming company and a global company, but later on, I guess they kind of started working full-time or almost full-time in the “Lessons from Movies” business. Currently, they also have a Facebook page, their official website, which seems to have stopped renewing in 2020. Their Instagram account and YouTube channel combined have gained more than 2.5 million followers already. Though I’m not sure about the number of followers on their podcast, there are also quite a lot I believe. Because of their success, the husband has already given more than 50 rounds of speeches nationwide. The two of them have also published at least three books, including e-books in Chinese. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

8️⃣Now let’s talk about why this podcast is so special. I’ll mainly talk about just the podcast itself, not including their other digital content. The podcast has been in operation since 2020, about two years now. And of course, it covers movies. There is no limit to the types of movies they talk about in their podcast, as we just mentioned due to their interests in a variety of genres. They introduce to their audience some famous quotes from the movies, or sometimes just quotes that they’ve written down themselves as a conclusion of their feelings for or perspectives about a particular movie. They could be original quotes from a movie or some adapted versions. They also introduce the plot summary of these movies. So this might give away an important plot development of the movie. The so-called “Jù Tòu” or “Pò Gěng” actually refers to “Spoilers.” It spoils the movie ending early on. So sometimes I don’t listen to every episode, because I might not have watched a particular movie yet. I want to watch it first before listening to an episode about it. Another focus of the show is “the lessons” from the movies. They collect information about the movies, deconstruct them, and analyze the background based on when and where a story takes place. And the theories and lessons learned are eventually applied to real-life situations. So what I like about them is, first, the tones and voices of the two hosts are enjoyable. And also, because they are couples, I find the interaction during their recordings quite interesting as well. They present their materials in a well-organized fashion, and their word choices are precise and spot-on. They give practical examples that are true to life and down-to-earth, which makes the podcast all the more fun for the audience. These are the main reasons why I love this show. 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

So this is my introduction to two podcasts that I listen to all the time. I’m not sure if I’ve spoken too fast for you. Did you enjoy it? If you do, don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know!

9️⃣In the last part of today’s episode, let’s talk about the answers to the questions from Listening Practice Episode 18. […]

Well, these are the modal answers to the three questions. That’s it for today’s show, and I’ll see you next time! 🔴Tc 🔴Sc

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