Chinese Listening Practice | 文化衝擊小趣事 (Lori’s personal culture shock stories)


In this episode, Lori talks about things that have surprised her during her time abroad. The content roughly corresponds to HSK4. Feel free to answer the pre-questions after listening to the talk in the comments below so that Lori can help with corrections.

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  • 衝擊/冲击 chōngjí/chōngjī
    shock; impact; to attack; to pound against [HSK6][C1]
  • 趣事 qùshì
    interesting story; fun anecdote
  1. 算是 suànshì
    considered to be
  2. 差異/差异 chāyì
    difference; discrepancy [B1]
  3. 室內/室内 shìnèi
    indoor; indoors
  4. 地毯 dìtǎn
    carpet; rug [HSK5][B2]
  5. 驚訝/惊讶 jīngyà
    amazed; surprised; to surprise [HSK6][B1]
  6. 難怪/难怪 nánguài
    (It’s) no wonder (that); (It’s) not surprising (that) [HSK5][B2]
  7. 歐美/欧美 ŌuMěi
    Europe and America; the West
  8. 晾乾/晾干 liànggān
    to dry by airing
  9. 常見/常见 chángjiàn
    commonly seen; common
  10. 禁忌 jìnjì
  11. 帳篷/帐篷 zhàngpeng
    tent [HSK6][C1]
  12. 遊民/游民 yóumín
    homeless people; vagabond
  13. 無家可歸/无家可归 wújiākěguī
    [set expression] homeless
  14. 髮根/发根 fǎgēn/fàgēn
    hair root
  15. rǎn
    to dye [HSK6][B2]


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天我們試試看,用比較口語的中文來聊聊,內容不算太難,我也會說慢一點,我使用的語言程度大約在HSK漢語水平考試的第4級,大家先看一看單字,再繼續播放。



◆ 文化衝擊一:鞋子穿進室內3

◆ 文化衝擊二:六點之後街上沒人

◆ 文化衝擊三:室內不能撐傘

◆ 文化衝擊四:市中心的街上很多帳篷11

◆ 文化衝擊五:黑色的髮根14


– Simplified Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天我们试试看,用比较口语的中文来聊聊,内容不算太难,我也会说慢一点,我使用的语言程度大约在HSK汉语水平考试的第4级,大家先看一看单字,再继续播放。



◆ 文化冲击一:鞋子穿进室内3

◆ 文化冲击二:六点之后街上没人

◆ 文化冲击三:室内不能撑伞

◆ 文化冲击四:市中心的街上很多帐篷11

◆ 文化冲击五:黑色的发根14


– English –

Hi guys! Welcome back to the Trilingual Chatbox podcast. This is your host, Lori. Today let’s try using more colloquial language to chat. It won’t be too difficult, and I’ll try to slow down a little as well. The language proficiency level is again at around HSK 4. Have a look at the vocabulary before you start. All right, let’s get started!

The anecdotes that I’m telling today are based on some common ideas that my Taiwanese friends and I had after our discussion. So I want to share with you these cultural differences I experienced when I was abroad.

Culture shock 1: Wearing shoes indoors

I used to live in the UK for a while and noticed two cultural differences. The first one is that I found that most buildings in the UK have carpet floors, like classrooms and ordinary homes. That didn’t surprise me, but the fact that people usually wore their shoes indoors after returning home did. Taiwanese people would take off their shoes and leave them at the door before entering the houses. It’s no wonder there are many carpet-cleaning businesses in the West.

Culture Shock 2: No one on the street after 6PM

This also happened when I lived in the UK. I realized that after 6 o’clock in the evening, there were 90% fewer people on the streets. It seems that British people tend not to stay outside after 6PM. A friend told me not to go out after six for safety concerns. The situation is rather different in Taiwan because no matter how late it is, even if it’s twelve midnight, you can still see plenty of people on the streets.

Culture shock 3: Never leave an umbrella open indoors

I once had a roommate from Spain. One day, it was raining, and I came back from outside. I brought my wet umbrella into the house, opened it, and left it on the ground to dry. But my roommate got upset and told me to put it away, saying it would bring bad luck. I was so embarrassed, and of course, I put it away immediately. I certainly did not expect my behavior to be considered taboo because it is quite common in Taiwan to dry umbrellas indoors.

Culture Shock 4: Lots of tents on the streets in downtown areas

When I was in the United States, several times after I exited a ramp into a downtown city, I saw lines of tents with homeless people residing in them on both sides of the road. Of course, there is a large number of homeless people in metropolitan areas around the world, but the homeless population in the United States really did surprise me. It seems that the US government has still been facing serious homelessness issues as of now.

Culture Shock 5: Dark Hair Roots

Most Asians have dark hair, so we often dye our hair into lighter colors like the western styles for variety, such as brown or blond hair colors. But eventually the natural hair grows back, leaving the roots dark, and the transition phase makes one’s hair look like a Taiwanese jelly snack with two layers of colors. It’s called “egg pudding” in Chinese and looks like the French dessert “crème caramel.” We don’t like this crème caramel-like hairstyle very much and usually get embarrassed by having it, so we need to do constant root touchups. But just this year in 2022, it’s become a trend in the West to intentionally have dark roots, which means, “crème caramel hairstyle” has now become a fashion. I guess Asians who enjoy dyeing their hair light should be pretty thrilled about this!

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