Japanese Listening Practice | メキシコ生活で驚いたことベスト5 (5 things that surprised me in Mexico)


Hi, welcome (back) to The Trilingual Chatbox Podcast! In this episode, Mai talks about 5 things that surprised her when she spent one year living in Mexico. It is spoken in Japanese first then followed by English. 

You can find a full transcript at the bottom of this description box as well as on our WordPress website.

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● 甘茶の音楽工房「夏色のキャンパス」

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1⃣ 交換留学(生)(こうかんりゅうがくせい)| an international exchange student 

2⃣ 溢れる(あふれる)|overflow, overcrowded | e.g. 人で溢れる: many people

3⃣ 運転手さん(うんてんしゅさん)|a driver

4⃣ かなり|quite

5⃣ 公共交通機関(こうきょうこうつうきかん)|public transportation

6⃣ ハードルが高い(はーどるがたかい)|difficult

7⃣ お辞儀をする(おじぎをする) | make a bow

8⃣ 祭壇(さいだん)|an altar 

9⃣ 圧巻(あっかん)| stunning, incredible 

~Comprehension Questions~

Q1 私はメキシコのバスの運転手さんがするどんな行動に驚いたでしょうか。 

Q2 日本での挨拶の仕方の例を2つ挙げていますが、その2つとはどんな挨拶の仕方でしょうか。

Q3 私がメキシコで一番驚いたことは何だったでしょうか。

You can find the answers at the end of the Japanese transcript!

~Episode Transcript~

日本語学習中のみなさん、こんにちは。The Trilingual ChatboxのMaiです。今回は「私がメキシコに住んで驚いたこと」についてお話ししたいと思います。初めに日本語で話し、そのあとに同じことを英語で話します。では、はじめていきましょう!









Q1 私はメキシコのバスの運転手さんがするどんな行動に驚いたでしょうか。

A1 バスの運転手さんが自分の好きな音楽を大音量でかけていることに驚いた。 

Q2 日本での挨拶の仕方の例を2つ挙げていますが、その2つとはどんな挨拶の仕方でしょうか。

A2 (1)お辞儀をする (2)手を振る

Q3 私がメキシコで一番驚いたことは何だったでしょうか。

A3 死者の日に死者を想いながらカラフルに明るく祝うこと

Hi, Japanese language learners, I`m Mai from The Trilingual Chatbox. In this episode, I`m going to talk about “What surprised me in Mexico”.  Let`s get started!

In my junior year in university, I went to Mexico as an international exchange student. I`d never been to Mexico before so everything was new and fresh to me. In this episode, I will share five things that surprised me the most in Mexico.

First, I will introduce the fifth place. Seeing boys and men walking in the streets with flowers on Mother`s Day was surprising to me. I saw those guys with flowers in the streets and was wondering “what`s going on today?”, and I realized it was Mother`s Day. I`ve never seen such a scene in Japan so it looked really strange to me. I guess those kids who grew up seeing such a scene will be able to give flowers to their mothers naturally. That`s really nice.

Next, the fourth place is that public bus drivers play music they like very loudly. I am not sure if it applies to all regions in Mexico but in the area where I lived, those public bus drivers were playing music they like at a very high volume.  No drivers of the public transportation play music freely in Japan so I couldn’t believe it at first. In addition, it was surprising that you have to tell a bus driver when you want to get off.

Then, the third place is “Cheek-Kissing in Mexico”. This one was really tough for me to do at first. First of all, in Japan, we greet by making a bow or just waving our hand if it is between friends and we seldom even shake hands. So, this greeting style was very different. In fact, it is called “Cheek-kissing” but actually, your lips do not touch a cheek. So, once you get used to it, there is no problem, but when I came across many of my classmates, I felt it was a little bit of a pain to greet them one by one.

Next, the 2nd place is “Wolf-whistling Culture”. I have read an article about a country, which is not Mexico, this action was reduced because some people made a noise about it. So, it may not exist any longer, but when I was there, I often see it. Initially, I felt a bit scared, but got used to it later on.

Lastly, the thing I got surprised by the most is that in Mexico, Day of the Dead is colorful and celebrated happily. Since death is associated with black and silence in Japan, I was blown away by the cheerful celebration of Day of the Dead in Mexico. The altars covered with countless marigold flowers looked amazing.  Though celebrating the day happily was something very new to me, I felt it is a wonderful culture at the same time.  

How was it? This time, I shared five things that I was amazed by in Mexico. Let me know what surprised you in Japan.

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