Chinese Listening Practice | 來聊聊台灣的學生 (A Talk about Taiwanese Students)


In this episode, Lori talks about some memories of her school days. The content roughly corresponds to HSK4. You can also share your stories for a chance to win a surprising gift! Check out the bottom of this page for more info.

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  1. 補習班/补习班 bǔxíbān
    cram school; evening classes [C1]
  2. 競爭/竞争 jìngzhēng
    to compete; competition [HSK4][C1]
  3. 激烈 jīliè
    (of competition or fighting) intense; extreme [HSK5][B1]
  4. 學術/学术 xuéshù
    academic; learning [HSK5][B2]
  5. 社團/社团 shètuán
    union; group; club; organization [B2]
  6. 實戰(經驗)/实战(经验) shízhàn
    {metaphorical} actual combat (experience)
  7. 強制/强制 qiángzhì
    to emforce; compulsory [HSK6]
  8. 隔宿 gésù
    to stay overnight
  9. 校外教學 xiàowàijiàoxué
    field trip
  10. 迷彩服 mícǎifú
    camouflage clothing [B2]
  11. 考驗/考验 kǎoyàn
    test; to put to the test; ordeal [HSK6][C1]
  12. 教官 jiàoguān
    military instructor
  13. 冠軍/冠军 guànjūn
    champion; championship [HSK5][B2]
  14. 隊呼/队呼 duìhū
    huddle chants [B2]
  15. 絞盡腦汁/绞尽脑汁 jiǎojìnnǎozhī
    [set expression] to rack one’s brain 


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天要回憶一下我的學生生活。我使用的語言程度大約是HSK漢語水平考試的第4級,請大家先看一看短文的單字,再繼續播放。





– Simplified Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天要回忆一下我的学生生活。我使用的语言程度大约是HSK汉语水平考试的第4级,请大家先看一看短文的单字,再继续播放。





– English –

According to some studies and online articles, Taiwanese students spend more time on homework or cram schools than most students from other countries. At school, we aim to attain high scores on major achievement tests to get into better schools. So school life before college has always been a highly competitive environment for all Taiwanese students. Besides studying, we do attend other activities and school events, though not that many. Due to similar beliefs about the purpose of education, not much has changed over the past 20 years. So let’s look at some examples of what we had and still have besides studying.

Academic subjects aside, we usually have two periods of club activities across all high schools. Clubs in senior high schools provide a more intriguing curriculum than those in junior highs. High school clubs sometimes collaborate with actual businesses and companies so that students will have some hands-on experience. Whereas clubs in junior highs are mostly not only mandatory but also get assigned to teachers who don’t actually have expertise in the area. Unfortunately, my experience was so bland that I couldn’t even remember what I did throughout those years, so I couldn’t share more with you guys.

Let’s look at other school events. Large-scale school events may vary from school to school, private and public. One event shared across all schools during junior high school years here in Taiwan is “the overnight camping trip,” which is my favorite. This is similar to a field trip – probably the most celebrated extra-curricular event for almost all students. One thing unique about this overnight camping trip is that students must wear camouflage uniforms most of the time. Before this trip, students got pre-activity training courses for essential skills and knowledge about camping and tying scouting knots. Everyone paid attention to learning how to build a campfire and set up a tent because we all knew what we had learned would be put to the test very soon. On the day of the camping trip, students were divided into teams under the supervision of an assigned training instructor. The event consisted of outdoor challenge group activities, a camping and barbecue experience, and a huge bonfire party at night, where students and teachers gave performances they’d previously prepared. All teams led by some military instructors would have to work their way through winning different games and competing with each other. Ultimately, we all aimed for the championship. Teams brainstormed for their own huddle chants and shouted at the top of their lungs throughout all competitions. However, nobody seemed to mind that we were left with a hoarse voice because we enjoyed ourselves. We felt much closer to our classmates, and it was worth all the hard work.

💠 Bonus

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