Chinese Listening Practice | 健康的生活習慣 (Lori’s healthy daily habits to share)


Following the previous topic about habit formation in the latest Mandarin episode, today’s episode is about Lori sharing her attempts at staying healthy. The content roughly corresponds to HSK3.

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  1. 不管 bùguǎn
    regardless of; no matter [HSK4]
  2. 隔夜麥片/麦片 géyèmàipiàn
    overnight oats
  3. 至少 zhìshǎo
    at least; (to say the) least [HSK4]
  4. 速度 sùdù
    speed; rate [HSK4]
  5. 冥想 míngxiǎng
    meditate; meditation
  6. 就算 jiùsuàn
    even if
  7. 心情 xīnqíng
    mood; frame of mind [HSK4]
  8. 伸展 shēnzhǎn
    stretching; extension
  9. 身心 shēnxīn
    body and mind / mental and physical
  10. 放鬆 fàngsōng
    |to loosen; to relax [HSK4]
  11. 大約 dàyuē
    approximately; about [HSK4]
  12. 閱讀 yuèdú
    to read; reading [HSK4]


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天的主題是健康,內容不難,我說話的速度會慢一些,句子也會短一些,各位朋友們可以試試看,在聽完每一句話之後,練習跟著我說一次。我使用的語言程度大約是HSK漢語水平考試的第3到第4級,大家可以看看今天的短文單字,再繼續播放。







– Simplified Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天的主题是健康,内容不难,我说话的速度会慢一些,句子也会短一些,各位朋友们可以试试看,在听完每一句话之后,练习跟着我说一次。我使用的语言程度大约是HSK汉语水平考试的第3到第4级,大家可以看看今天的短文单字,再继续播放。







– English –

Hi guys! It’s Lori, the host of the Trilingual Chatbox. Our topic today is health. Since the article is relatively easy, let’s try shadowing, shall we? You may pause and repeat after me. The proficiency level is around HSK3 to 4. Check out the vocabulary words from the descriptions first, and then continue playing.

So here we go!

I’ve grown to be more aware of my health since I began working in my 20s. I learned that I should take good care of myself, so I took up some habits.

It doesn’t matter what my wake-up time is, but I make sure I get 7 hours of sleep each day. After getting up, I have my overnight oats for breakfast and check some emails and messages while eating. I’ll quickly reply to those messages after I finish my meal. The next time I check my new emails will be at night because I refrain from spending too much time on my cell phone.

I bring a water bottle with me whenever I go to work or meet up with friends. It has a 300ml capacity and is pretty light, so it’s suitable for carrying around. I drink at least 5 bottles of water a day, which is 1500ml. My cell phone reminds me to drink water at precisely 3pm everyday. If I haven’t had my 3rd bottle by the time I get the notification, I’ll increase the pace. I stop any intake of water after 8pm.

I also make it a habit to meditate. No matter how busy I am, I will take a minute or two to calm myself down. Sometimes I make my mind go blank, and sometimes, I try to think of things that have moved me or made me happy.

Also, I spend 5 to 10 minutes doing simple stretches. Just like meditation, this helps me leave things behind for a while and relax both my body and mind.

Finally, I read for about 30 minutes before bed. I’ve always loved reading since I was a kid, and sometimes I would spend so much time reading that I forgot to do my homework. Reading before bed relaxes me and helps me sleep better, but this habit might not suit everyone.

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