Japanese Listening Practice | 健康的な生活習慣 (Mai’s healthy daily habits to share)


Hi, welcome (back) to The Trilingual Chatbox Podcast! In this episode, Mai talks about her healthy daily habits she wants to share in Japanese, followed by an English version of the talk. You can find a full transcript at the bottom of this description box as well as on our WordPress website.

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1️⃣ 電車通勤をする (でんしゃつうきんをする)|to commute by train 

2️⃣ 階段を駆け上がる(かいだんをかけあがる)|to run up stairs 

3️⃣ 車社会(くるましゃかい)|a car society 

4️⃣ これだと | in this way 

5️⃣ 一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう)| killing two birds with one stone 

6️⃣ 面倒臭い(めんどうくさい)| to feel lazy, a pain in the neck 

7️⃣ コツ(こつ)|a secret, a trick, a key 

8️⃣ 瞑想(めいそう) | meditation 

9️⃣ ついつい~してしまう | to tend to do…, to end up doing, 

🔟 わざわざ| intentionally 

~Episode Transcript~

日本語学習中のみなさん、こんにちは。The Trilingual ChatboxのMaiです。


Hi, Japanese language learners, I`m Mai from The Trilingual Chatbox. In this episode, I`m going to talk about “Healthy daily habits to share”.   

Since I live in a small city now, I don’t walk as much as I used to in a big city. In a big city, you walk to the station, run up stairs in the station, or walk a lot while shopping. On the flip side, in rural area, which is a car society, we drive everywhere. I use a car to go to the supermarket, and just walk from the parking lot to the supermarket. What`s even worse, I still try to find a parking space closest to the building. I thought that kind of lifestyle was bad for me and I started walking and jogging in the morning a couple years ago. To run in the morning, you have to get up early, too, so it is like “killing two birds with one stone”. The trick is not to think of anything when you wake up and just get ready and go outside quickly. You`ve gotta leave before getting lazy. This is the secret to keep on doing. Jogging in the early morning in winter is very cold but you can see a beautiful sunrise, and the color of the sky is just amazing. It can be meditation if you walk without thinking but for me, I love walking while listening to podcasts or thinking about something. There might be people who are listening to this podcast while jogging at this moment. I am not paying much attention to my eating habits, but I noticed that I do not eat much fast food since I started living in the rural area. If you take a train, you tend to drop by at a fast-food restaurant because it is at almost every station, but if you are driving, you need to intentionally go to the place. So, I seldom eat fast food now, maybe a few times a year. Once in a while, I crave for junk food, though. Lastly, coffee is the one I cannot quit even though I know too much coffee is not good for my health, but we should not put up with everything we like, right? We should enjoy what we enjoy as long as we don’t exceed the amount.

That`s all for today`s episode.  Thank you for listening.

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