Chinese Listening Practice | 暢銷書:原子習慣 (Best seller: ‘Atomic Habits,’ an intro in easy Chinese)


Today, Lori talks about James Clear’s best-selling book on habit formation. The content roughly corresponds to HSK4.

Please note that, for educational purposes, this talk has used simplified language expressions, and therefore it does not cover all crucial points throughout the book. You may go to the author’s official site ( for detailed information.

📖 Reference

James Clear (2018). Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. USA: Avery Publishing Group.
James Clear (2019)。《原子習慣:細微改變帶來巨大成就的實證法則》。蔡世偉譯。臺北:方智出版社。

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💠 Vocabulary

  1. 暢銷書/畅销书 chàngxiāoshū
    best seller; best-selling book [HSK6]
  2. 數據/数据 shùjù
    data; numbers [HSK5]
  3. 以及 yǐjí
    as well as; too; also [HSK5]
  4. 道理 dàolǐ
    reason; argument; principle; justification [HSK5]
  5. …之所以… zhīsuǒyǐ
    the reason why
  6. 目標/目标 mùbiāo
    goal; target; objective [HSK5]
  7. 與其…不如…/与其…不如… yǔqí…bùjú
    rather than… it would be better to… [HSK5]
  8. 達成/达成 dáchéng
    to reach; to accomplish [HSK5]
  9. 之類/之类 zhīlèi
    and so on; and such
  10. 契約/契约 qìyuē
    agreement; contract


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天要介紹的是一本暢銷書,作者是詹姆斯.克利爾,書名叫做「原子習慣」。我使用的語言程度大約是HSK漢語水平考試的第4級,大家可以先看一看今天的短文單字,再繼續播放。






– Simplified Chinese –

嗨,大家好!我是The Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天要介绍的是一本畅销书,作者是詹姆斯.克利尔,书名叫做「原子习惯」。我使用的语言程度大约是HSK汉语水平考试的第4级,大家可以先看一看今天的短文单字,再继续播放。






– English –

Hi guys! I’m the host of the Trilingual Chatbox, I’m Lori. Today I’m going to introduce to you a best-selling book written by James Clear, titled “Atomic Habits.” The proficiency level is around HSK4. As usual, feel free to take a look at today’s vocabulary words from the descriptions first, and then continue playing.

Without any further ado, let’s begin!

Before James Clear published his book in 2018, he was already a well-known speaker focused on habit formation. As of today in September 2022, the book has remained on the top ten bestseller list in Taiwan.

Why is it so popular? In “Atomic Habits”, James Clear not only used himself and other famous people as examples but also drew from scientific research data to illustrate a notion that is actually not that difficult: All habits start small. An old idiom says it all: “Constant dropping wears away a stone.” The reason why this book is considered by many to be a life-changing one is that the author offers several crucial takeaways.

First, no matter how big or small the habit you want to build is, you need to decide on a goal first. But many people take their goals maybe too seriously and fail to notice the system that is supposed to get them there. The author reminds us that the means and processes to achieve goals are often more decisive than the goals themselves. Also, note that our goals should be set around our self-identity. For example, instead of saying you want to lose 5kg, say you want to be a healthy person. Because when you do lose 5kg, there is no more need to make the extra effort; but in order to become a healthy person, you must put together other good habits to make it happen.

So, after deciding on a goal, how do we achieve it? According to Clear, there are four steps in habit formation: cue, craving, response, and reward. Now all four points combined. Simply put, first, to form a new habit with ease, we need to arrange a suitable environment to literally make these cues for forming new habits more visible, and in the meantime, we hide the cues for bad ones. Tying new habits to old ones also allows them to take place naturally.

Second, the efforts we make for forming some habits do not pay off immediately. For example, if we memorize a word every day, we probably still won’t be able to speak the language in a month. At this point, you can utilize gadgets like “Habit Tracker,” or anything you enjoy, which also promotes your self-identity, as a reward for yourself. Instant gratification helps you go further, for a longer time.

Third, make good use of other people’s influence over us. People appreciate affirmation from other people, so we do our best to fulfill our promises to them. It is usually not easy to maintain a habit. Sometimes, we can ask others to help us out by signing informal contracts. These contracts may help us overcome the difficulties when we start to feel bored or on the brink of giving up!

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