Chinese Listening Practice | 難忘的語言學習經驗 (Memorable experiences about language learning)


Today, Lori shares one of her early memories about language learning. You can also share your stories HERE for a chance to win a surprising gift!

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  1. 事不宜遲/事不宜迟 shìbùyíchí
    [set expression] the matter should not be delayed; without further ado
  2. 地步 dìbù
    degree (to which a situation has evolved); stage [HSK6]
  3. 精通 jīngtōng
    to be proficient in; to master (a subject) [HSK6]
  4. 母語/母语  mǔyǔ
    native language / mother tongue [HSK6]
  5. 派上用場/用场 pàishàngyòngchǎng
    [set expression] to put to good use / to come in handy
  6. 阻礙/阻碍 zǔài
    to hinder; hindrance [HSK6]
  7. 浮現/浮现 fúxiàn
    to appear before one’s eyes / to come back (of images from the past)
  8. 沉浸 chénjìn
    to soak; to immerse
  9. 深深地印在我的腦海裡/脑海里 shēnshēnde yìn zài wǒde nǎohǎilǐ
    [set expression] to imprint on one’s mind
  10. 多虧/多亏 duōkuī
    thanks to [HSK5]


– Traditional Chinese –

嗨,我是the Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天我要分享的是關於我在語言學習方面的難忘經驗,我使用的語言程度大約是HSK漢語水平考試的第5至第6級。同樣地,可以先看一看今天的短文單字,再繼續播放。那麼,[1事不宜遲],我們就開始吧!





– Simplified Chinese –

嗨,我是the Trilingual Chatbox的主持人Lori。今天我要分享的是关于我在语言学习方面的难忘经验,我使用的语言程度大约是HSK汉语水平考试的第5至第6级。同样地,可以先看一看今天的短文单字,再继续播放。那么,[1事不宜迟],我们就开始吧!





– English –

Hello, I’m the host of the Trilingual Chatbox. I’m Lori. Today I’d like to share with you a memorable experience of mine about language learning. The proficiency level is around HSK level 5 to 6. As usual, feel free to take a look at today’s vocabulary words from the descriptions first, and then continue playing.

Without any further ado, let’s begin!

How far would you go to learn a language? People who have a great passion for languages are usually willing to invest both time and money to achieve their goals, but you’ll find many linguaphiles successfully becoming polyglots without spending a fortune.

When I was still a young student, I gradually became fascinated by American sitcoms, such as the classic “Friends.” We did not have similar genres on TV in Taiwan, so they really opened a whole new world for me. We’d learned so much about this language for so long in class, but we had no native speakers of English to listen to or talk to. I felt like with these sitcoms, I could put some of what I’d been learning at school to use.

However, it’s been a known fact that all TV shows in Taiwan except for the news would have Chinese subtitles which you could not just switch off. For language learners, it could both be a convenient service and also very likely a hindrance. A part of me wanted to figure out what puns Chandler just used; another part of me still had the urge to test how much I could understand without subtitles, but most parts of me just wished to sound natural when I could finally spit out a sentence in English.

At first, I tried sticking a long slip of paper onto the TV set just to cover up the subtitle section, but of course, the sitcom was on TV, and there was no rewind button for me to double-check my understanding. But it’s language learning, after all, you cannot just let bygones be bygones. Right? Back then, I didn’t have a VHS player to work with. The only recording device I had was a portable cassette player. So what I did was I placed the cassette player close to one of the speakers of the TV set. Then I locked the door and asked other family members not to come in or make any noise outside the room for half an hour while the show was on, and in the meantime, I was watching that particular episode for the first time in total silence. I couldn’t laugh no matter how hilarious the show was because I didn’t want my laughing voice to get recorded into the tape.

You know what I did with those taped shows? I played the tapes before bed. So by the time I was playing the tapes, it was already the second time I watched the show – or listened to the show, to be exact. I had already understood the entire material, and that was the only time I could laugh out loud at those jokes. I was listening to each episode with all the scenes in my head, but at the same time, I was immersed in a whole English situation. My attention was devoted solely to the lines and the intonation while they were said with specific emotions. I would pick the episodes that I loved most and replay them more than once. It was before bed, so I didn’t shadow the lines, but the intonation and rhythm were already imprinted on my mind.

The experience has helped me tremendously. Thanks to these tapes, I could acquire a more natural flow of speech in English without actually going abroad. How about you? Do you also have an unforgettable experience when learning a foreign language? We’re looking forward to seeing your story on our WordPress site.

Also have a memorable language learning experience to share? We’re collecting stories for a future episode. Submit yours, right now!⬇️

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