Language Skills | How to use で/それで (conjunction) in conversation | Life events and divination in Japan and Taiwan


In the first part, we introduce a Japanese word で(それで), which was used a lot in our YouTube video about Japanese local shrines. The way で is used in the video is colloquial and used a lot by locals, but since it is not a proper word, you may not find it in textbooks. 

In the second part, we focus on the cultural aspect of our video and talk about some of the features of temples in Taiwan and a bit about events held in Japanese shrines and temples. 

Here is the YouTube video we are referring to in this episode↓
“Fun facts about Japanese shrines: A local shrine tour 近所の神社ツアー(ENG&JPN)”

Lori mentioned a service for online blessings/fortune telling hosted by 台灣鹿港天后宮(LUGANGMAZU)
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Simplified Chinese |
Japanese |
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● BGM: Cold Ears-Come Inside Mix by J. Lang (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg & Nickolas Nikolic, Mindmapthat

©️ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Photo by Snowscat on Unsplash

-Part 1-

■ で(それで) 

で is a short form of それで and it is a conjunction.

Here are three different meanings of で(それで) 

(1)Used to give a reason or explanation

(because of that, that is why, so )

E.g. 昨日仕事で失敗したんだって。(それ)で、落ち込んでるみたい。

I heard she made a mistake at work.  That`s why she is depressed, I guess.

Lori-san‘s sentence:

(2)used when you want to move on to the next topic, which relates to what you just talked about.

E.g. 犬を2匹飼っていて名前は白と黒です。、今は入って来たのは白です。

I have two dogs, and their names are Shiro and Kuro.  And, the one just came in is Shiro.

Lori-san’s sentence

(3)used to press someone for the main points, a punch line or a result you want to know.

E.g. ?彼は何て言ったの?

So? What did he say?

E.g. それで?結果はどうだった?

Then, what was the result?

Lori-san`s sentence:

-Part 2-

Fortune Reading at Temples in Taiwan

The terms “moon blocks” and “divination blocks” that we talked about refer to 筊杯(jiǎo bēi) in Chinese. The action when you cast a pair of moon blocks for guidance from the deities is called 擲筊(zhí jiǎo).

1️⃣One round + One flat = 聖筊(shèng jiǎo) or 聖杯 (shèng bēi) = Divine answer.
2️⃣Two rounds = 怒筊(nù jiǎo) or 怒杯(nù bēi) = Angry answer.
3️⃣Two flats = 笑筊(xiào jiǎo) or 笑杯(xiào bēi) = Laughing answer.

Try a fortune reading (Traditional Chinese) ↗
Try a fortune reading (Simplified Chinese) ↗
Try a fortune reading (Japanese) ↗
Try a fortune reading (English) ↗

◀ Jnzl’s Public Domain Photos, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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