Japanese Grammar | What’s the difference between くれる, あげる and もらう?


This is the sequel to a previous episode. In this episode, we are introducing the verb もらう (to receive) and discussing the usage of particles used with あげる (ageru), くれる (kureru) and もらう (morau). After listening to these two episodes, we hope you get a better grasp of using the verbs あげる、くれる and もらう.

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M: You know Lori-san, in Japan, on valentine`s day, girls give chocolate to boys.


L: How about you? マイさんも、誰かにチョコレートをあげましたか。 

M: はい、あげました。I used to give chocolate to my dad and brothers.


L: Did your brothers get chocolate from girls from school?


M: Yup, some girls gave it to them. はい、何人かの女の子達がくれました

But some popular boys get many gifts on that day.


L: いいですね~。私ももらいたいです。 


■Translate the following English sentences into Japanese.

1. Doraemon received cookies from Nobita-kun yesterday.

2. Nobita-kun gave cookies to Doraemon yesterday. 

3. Doraemon  receives  letters every day.




3. ドラえもんは毎日手紙をもらいます。 

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